Understanding Rocket City Pride
In Huntsville, AL, June 11th through June 17th , 2017 is the week of Rocket City Pride. This event was established five (5) years ago and has continued to flourish. Rocket City Pride is a community festival that celebrates the lives of LGBTQ people. Rocket City Pride 2017 benefits the Free2Be Safe Anti-Violence Project. This project aids victims of violence, bullying and abuse. In the last five years Rocket City Pride has become more than just a celebration of diversity. It has also become an opportunity to reach out to the larger community in the Huntsville, AL area.
Free2Be is a Advocacy & Youth service that was established in 2009. This organization provides services to an array of individuals. The Free2Be Safe Anti-Violence Project is a regional endeavor to address Intimate Partner Violence, Domestic Violence, Sexual Assault, Bullying. It also addresses other forms of violence that damage all of us as individuals and as a society. This project is the first of its kind in Alabama to be designed to meet the culturally specific needs of LGBTQ people.
The Free 2Be organization provides support for survivors who’ve overcome trauma. Additionally, they provide public education and services to support the development of healthy relationships. Also, they offer support groups for youth, young adults, & transgender adults, as well as counseling and resource referrals.
What is a Pride Week?
Pride, as opposed to shame and social stigma, is the predominant outlook that bolsters most LGBT rights movements throughout the world. The month of June was chosen for LGBTQ Pride Month to commemorate the Stonewall riots, which occurred at the end of June 1969. As a result, many pride events are held during this month to recognize the impact LGBTQ people have had in the world.
Events are held all over the world to celebrate the LGBTQ community and to display unification worldwide. It is important to embrace our difference and celebrate each other. If you are interested in participating in these events this week, please search Rocket City Pride. If you or your loved one is struggling with interpersonal thoughts, please feel free to contact us at info@hsvpcs.com or call at (256) 824-9171.
~Monretta Vega, LPC

Monretta Vega, LPC
Email: monretta@hsvpcs.com